Our onsite seminars focus on a variety of cutting-edge wellness topics. Choose from over 200 seminar topics that can be delivered in your workplace during a live in-person lunch 'n learn or remotely via live webinar.
Seminars are generally 60 minutes.
Go Virtual: Our 200+ seminars can also be offered via webinar. Popular topics during COVID-19 include mindfulness, resilience, stress management, clean eating, office yoga, sleep, physical activity and more.
To schedule a wellness seminar or inquire about pricing, please email deluxeplazafitness@advantagehealth.com
Some of the topics include:
Blood Pressure: The Facts & Figures
Cancer is All Around Us
Cholesterol: What you Need to Know
Diabetes: Prevention & Detection
Heart Disease: Prevention is the Key
Balancing Work and Family: A Need for Simplicity
Unplug Your Kids
Are We Having Fun Yet?
Dealing with Difficult People
Dealing with Difficult People at Work
Developing Win-Win Relationships
Dining Out the Healthy Way
Essential Nutrients
Working Out – Beyond the Basics
Workouts on the Go
Repetitive Motion Injuries
Taking Care of Your Back